So she carried the basket with the child on her shoulder and made way into the forest. One female elephant grew fond of the child. While the wild elephants were retreating, the child gave a cry. While everyone ran amok, one mother fainted with her child trapped in a basket. This drunken chief stirred the wrath of the wild elephants, who in turn assaulted the whole troupe. One dancing troupe was journeying across a forest, with its drunken chief. Preparations were ready to celebrate the event on a grand scale. In the meanwhile, the countrymen were getting ready to celebrate the fifth wedding anniversary of the royal couple. That was simply because they did not have children.
There lived a king whose queen was saddened all the time. That came to pass once upon a time in this country. In the real world she is debarred from bringing up an illegal child without a father by the civil law of the country while depriving her of aborting the pregnancy by the penal code, which considers abortions as a severe criminal offence. She finds herself enjoying life in the dream world but reality drags her out of it. Her world then starts drifting between the two extremes of her dreams and reality. While she immerses herself quite happily in this elusive world, she jerks herself out of dreams when she gets to know he is a married man.